Decorate your home with beautiful crafts of Bankura.
Bankura can be reached by taxis or by buses from Kolkata which is just 170 km. Kolkata has the nearest airport. Durgapur is also just 45 km and buses and cabs are available on this route. Buses are also available from other nearby towns like Tatanagar, Ranchi, Kharagpur, etc. There are also numerous trains that stop at Bankura and connect Bankura to major cities of North India.
The nearest airport to Bankura is Durgapur (RDP ) and Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose International Airport (CCU). Both are well connected to Bankura by road and rail network.
Bankura can be reached by train. Regular trains are available from Howrah railway station. Have a look on all available trains.
It is well connected by road with Kolkata and surrounding towns like Asansol, Durgapur, Burdwan, Panagarh, and other parts of the state.
Bankura is located in the western part of the State of West Bengal. It is a part of the Bardhaman Division of the State and is included in the area known as “Rarh” in Bengal. It ranks 4th according to the Population and literacy rate of the 2001 Census in the State. The District Bankura is bounded by latitude 22038’ N and longitude 86036’ E to 87047’ E. River Demodar flows along the northern boundary of the district. The adjacent districts are Bardhaman in the north, Purulia in the west, and Paschim Medinapure in the south. The Survey of India (SOI) toposheets covering the districts is 73I, 73J, 73M, and 73N.
We are from Bankura Tourism to make your trip smooth, hectic free and memorable. We want to show our district so we heartily welcome you all to visit Bankura, the hidden treasure of WB.
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